web design notes

from this video:.

would recommend using visual code studio with prettier + live ____

web design aspects to learn + timeline of learning them (for industry type purposes):

C++ is often used for games (eg unreal), so is C#. javascript is also used

can use markup validation services in order to check what issue is if there are any errors or warnings. use https://validator.w3.org/ and you can also do this for css :)

em is used to emphasise text, automatically makes it italic. strong does very similar, auto bold. words in these are emphasised in google search. it's standard for b and i to be done in style rather than as individual sections

standard to have diff h1, h2. etc. only one of each heading for simplicity, can change the actual visuals in style. hierarchy.

to show greater and less than signs, use &; containing either lt or gt- these are entities/special text and require this so they arent picked up as code, also same for symbols n shit. just google html entities

if going up in folders (out to the folder the html folder is inside of) use "../xyz.html"

<a href="mailto:xyz@gmail.com">email me to do click + open email software

put target="_blank" after but inside brackets of a href command in order to open new tab

put object-fit:cover; in style css along with width/height which creates a clipping effect over the width + height sections. go into website view thing and experiment and see the diff versions of this function

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